
How to Change Oil in a DC Gear Motor

Changing the oil in a DC gear motor should be done according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper maintenance and longevity of the motor. Below are the steps to follow when changing the oil:How to Change Oil in a DC Gear Motor

  1. Turn Off Power and Allow Cooling
    Before checking the oil level, ensure that the power to the motor is turned off to prevent electrical shock to personnel. Allow the motor to cool down before proceeding with the oil level check.
  2. Remove the Oil Level Plug
    After the motor has cooled, remove the oil level plug to inspect whether the oil is full.
  3. Replace Oil While at Operating Temperature
    Since the viscosity of oil increases after cooling, draining the oil can be difficult. It is best to change the oil while the motor is still at its operating temperature.
  4. Prepare for Oil Drainage
    Place an oil collection tray underneath the drain plug. Open the oil level plug, vent plug, and drain plug to begin draining the oil.
  5. Drain the Oil Completely
    Allow all the oil to drain out completely to ensure the system is free of old oil.
  6. Refill with New Oil
    After draining, replace the drain plug and fill the motor with new oil of the same type and grade. Ensure that the oil level matches the required level for the motor’s installation position.
  7. Check Oil Level
    After refilling, check the oil level again and tighten the oil level plug and vent plug securely.

By following these steps, you can maintain your DC gear motor’s efficiency and prevent damage due to insufficient or degraded lubrication.