
How to Wire a Gearbox with an Electromagnetic Speed Control Motor

To properly wire a gearbox with an electromagnetic speed control motor, follow the wiring method outlined below:How to Wire a Gearbox with an Electromagnetic Speed Control Motor

  1. Connect the Motor Terminals to the Power Supply:
    • Connect the motor terminals U, V, and W to the contactor for power supply connection.
  2. Connect the Speed Controller to the Power Source:
    • Terminals 1 and 2 of the speed controller should be connected to a 220V power supply.
  3. Connect the Excitation Coil:
    • Terminals 3 and 4 (the two thicker wires) should be connected to the excitation coil of the speed control motor. These terminals are located on the front two terminal posts of the motor’s left-side junction box, marked with numbers.
  4. Connect the Tachogenerator:
    • Terminals 5, 6, and 7 (U, V, W) should be connected to the tachogenerator of the speed control motor. These terminals are found on the back three terminal posts of the motor’s left-side junction box, marked with numbers.
  5. Follow the Instruction Manual:
    • Always follow the instruction manual’s wiring diagram, especially regarding the operation of the speed controller’s power switch, as it plays a critical role in controlling the motor’s speed.

By ensuring the correct wiring of the excitation coil and tachogenerator, and following the manual’s guidance, the electromagnetic speed control motor will function efficiently and safely. Proper wiring ensures stable motor performance and precise speed control, crucial for the smooth operation of your gearbox system.