
Rubber Compression Coupling

A rubber compression coupling provides fault protection operation, safeguarding both personnel and machinery. The torque is transmitted through compressed rubber blocks, which suppress vibration and eliminate backlash.Rubber Compression Coupling

When the rubber is compressed, it is inherently stronger than other alternatives, such as shear or tension rubber. Even the slightest scratch in the rubber can lead to catastrophic tearing and complete coupling failure, resulting in machine downtime and a reduction in productivity.

In addition to its safety and reliability features, the rubber compression coupling also saves time and money in maintenance. These couplings are often referred to as “fit and forget” since they require no lubrication or adjustments. The only component that may need attention is the rubber block, which generally lasts for more than ten years (though it’s recommended to inspect them after five years). This longevity translates to a lower lifetime cost compared to other coupling solutions, making rubber compression couplings an economical choice.